"I just want to thank you for you support. That's all I wanted to say. " -Cheif Afukaka Kuikuro "The entire Kukuro village thanks you for your support" -Yanama Kuikuro, President AIKAX. The time to act is now.
The Champlain Housing Trust (CHT) has gone out on a limb to help lead Vermont’s responses to vulnerable populations during the coronavirus crisis.
Among other actions, the CHT successfully:
Pennywise is proud to support CHT’s immediate and effective response through our Urgent Response Fund. Our thanks to CHT and all of Vermont’s essential service providers. Even before the Covid-19 crisis the indigenous people of the southern Amazon were facing unprecedented threats. Widespread deforestation, fires and a hostile government are decimating their tropical forest homes and have left them fighting for their very survival. Now they also face the coronavirus and the reality that a single infection, if spread, could destroy entire villages.
The Kuikuro indigenous community of the Upper Xingu region is responding. As part of a multicultural collaboration, the Amazon Hope Collective, the Kuikuro have banded together with other indigenous communities, scientists, public health experts and other key stakeholders to implement an immediate crisis response that will also lead to long term solutions. Since early March the Kuikuro have been using modern geospatial tools (available in their village because of other recent efforts of the Collective) to create precise information on health conditions as well as movement and transportation of goods in the area. This has allowed them to coordinate reparations and response planning with the Brazilian health system to help them cope with the health emergency. This model has been enormously successful in identifying what will be needed to protect the people of the Xingu. But now we need your help meeting those needs. The Amazon Hope Collective aims to raise $20,000 in 20 days to bring lifesaving medical supplies and protective gear to the Xingu before it is too late.
“Stay Home Stay Safe” orders create a dangerous contradiction for far too many whose homes are anything. The economic impact of this global crisis is also leading to terrible choices for survivors who may have to remain in or return to an abusive relationship due to the financial strains they are facing.
That’s why the Pennywise Urgent Response Fund is supporting the economic justice programming at Steps to End Domestic Violence. Join us by giving now so that more people can, truly, be safe in their homes.
July 2021
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