National Geographic Brasil
National Geographic Brasil
Xingu village that made a special scheme against Covid is vaccinated and closes cycle without deaths from the disease. The Kuikuro people formed partnerships, set up a hospital and hired doctors and nurses.
Xingu village that made a special scheme against Covid is vaccinated and closes cycle without deaths from the disease. The Kuikuro people formed partnerships, set up a hospital and hired doctors and nurses.
Pioneers Post
Brazil is one of the world’s worst-hit countries by the coronavirus pandemic. One indigenous community, unhopeful of government aid beyond offers of unproven medical ‘cures’, has taken action early to prevent the virus entering their village – and is using the power of storytelling to reach and raise money from international audiences
O Brasil é um dos países mais afetados pela pandemia do coronavírus. Uma comunidade indígena, sem esperança de ajuda governamental além de ofertas de "curas" médicas não comprovadas, agiu cedo para evitar que o vírus entrasse em sua aldeia - e está usando o poder da narrativa para alcançar e arrecadar dinheiro com o público internacional
El Pais - Brasil
The Ipatse village teaches how powerful the collective organization is to fight the coronavirus
A aldeia Ipatse ensina como a organização coletiva é potente pra enfrentar o coronavírus
El Pais - Brasil
Using an app and health clinic, indigenous village in Xingu registers zero deaths from covid-19
Com uso de aplicativo e posto de saúde, aldeia indígena no Xingu registra zero mortes por covid-19
Gama - No Linha de Frente
On the Front Line: Five indigenous leaders recount their battles, from combating the Covid-19 pandemic in the upper Xingu to the fragile futures of young people in Rio Negro.
Na linha de frente: Cinco lideranças indígenas contam sobre suas batalhas, do combate à covid-19 no alto Xingu ao futuro dos jovens no Rio Negro
ESRI - Covid-19: Amazon Tribe Applies Location Intelligence to Project Community
An amazon tribe known for the impressive persistence of native traditions harnesses their innate cartographic understanding to preserve their cultural heritage.
Alto Xingu village improves hospital, hires a doctor and has zero mortality due to Covid-19. A family doctor in Sao Paulo resigned and was hired by the Kuikuro Alto Xingu Indian Association. Covid has reached dozens of indigenous people in the community thus far.
Aldeia do Alto Xingu improvisa hospital, contrata médica e tem mortalidade zero por Covid-19
How the indigenous Kuikuro community used tech to contain the Covid-19 pandemic.
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation
Indigenous Kuikuro people carry out plan to combat Covid-19 in their territory.
Indígenas da etnia Kuikuro executam plano de combate à Covid-19 em seu território
TV Globo Mato Grasso
Indigenous tribes complain about lack of medical assistance for Covid-19. The virus has had a major impact on the indigenous villages of Mato Grasso (video link).
Tribos indígenas em MY reclamam de falta de assisténcia médica para Covid-19.
TV Globo Mato Grasso
Indigenous Xingu build a structure to isolate those suspected of having Covid-19 (video link)
Indígenas do Xingu constroem oca pra isolamento de casos suspeitos de Covid-19.
O Globo
As the coronavirus spreads through the Upper Xingu, it causes villages to cancel the Kuarup, a party in honor of the dead.
Coronavírus se alastra pelo Alto Xingu e faz aldeias cancelarem o kuarup, festa em homenagem aos mortos.
Folha de S Paulo
Coronavirus arrives at the Xingu indigenous reserve and the Kuarup is cancelled for the first time. Two village members were infected and thus brought about cultural questions of how to deal with social isolation.
Coronavírus chega à reserva indígena do Xingu, e Kuarup é cancelado pela 1ª vez
Diario de Cuiaba
Coronavirus spreads across the Upper Xingu and causes the first cancellation of the Kaurup. Local indigenous organizations turned to the British organization to secure resources to help isolate villagers during the pandemic.
Coronavírus se alastra pelo Alto Xingu e faz aldeias cancelarem o kuarup, pela primeira vez.
Globo News
Without neonatal ICU, 45-day-old indigenous baby dies in Mato Grasso due to Covid-19 (video link).
Sem UTI neonatal, bebê indígena de 45 dias morre no Mato Grosso por Covid-19.
Globo News
“André Trigueiro”Indigenous people are Brazilian citizens and should be treated as such.” (video link).
André Trigueiro: ‘Índios são brasileiros e devem ser alvos da saúde pública do país’.
Links in English: America’s Quarterly
Indigenous Brazilians must look abroad for support. A leader from the Kuikuro people of Upper Xingu describes how they are fighting the pandemic on their own.
Links in Portuguese: America’s Quarterly
Povos Indígenas do Alto Xingu estão em luto prolongado.
Thiago Jesus
Thiago Jesus is a senior project manager at People’s Palace Projects, an arts organisation based at Queen Mary University of London, working on cross-cultural initiatives between Brazil and the UK. One of his current projects is an ongoing programme of artistic residencies for cultural preservation at the Kuikuro indigenous territory in the Xingu, Amazon region. Since its start, Thiago has produced 3 expeditions to the region, a BBC World Service radio documentary and various exhibitions including an immersive VR experience raising awareness of these populations. Thiago strives to conceive and deliver projects which utilise the arts to alleviate social crises.
Carlos Fausto Articles
"The Measels from the Time of My Grandfather": Amazonian Ethnocide Memories in Times of Covid19 (English)
“O sarampo do tempo de meu avô”: memórias do etnocídio na pandemia (Portuguese)
Brazil is one of the world’s worst-hit countries by the coronavirus pandemic. One indigenous community, unhopeful of government aid beyond offers of unproven medical ‘cures’, has taken action early to prevent the virus entering their village – and is using the power of storytelling to reach and raise money from international audiences
O Brasil é um dos países mais afetados pela pandemia do coronavírus. Uma comunidade indígena, sem esperança de ajuda governamental além de ofertas de "curas" médicas não comprovadas, agiu cedo para evitar que o vírus entrasse em sua aldeia - e está usando o poder da narrativa para alcançar e arrecadar dinheiro com o público internacional
El Pais - Brasil
The Ipatse village teaches how powerful the collective organization is to fight the coronavirus
A aldeia Ipatse ensina como a organização coletiva é potente pra enfrentar o coronavírus
El Pais - Brasil
Using an app and health clinic, indigenous village in Xingu registers zero deaths from covid-19
Com uso de aplicativo e posto de saúde, aldeia indígena no Xingu registra zero mortes por covid-19
Gama - No Linha de Frente
On the Front Line: Five indigenous leaders recount their battles, from combating the Covid-19 pandemic in the upper Xingu to the fragile futures of young people in Rio Negro.
Na linha de frente: Cinco lideranças indígenas contam sobre suas batalhas, do combate à covid-19 no alto Xingu ao futuro dos jovens no Rio Negro
ESRI - Covid-19: Amazon Tribe Applies Location Intelligence to Project Community
An amazon tribe known for the impressive persistence of native traditions harnesses their innate cartographic understanding to preserve their cultural heritage.
Alto Xingu village improves hospital, hires a doctor and has zero mortality due to Covid-19. A family doctor in Sao Paulo resigned and was hired by the Kuikuro Alto Xingu Indian Association. Covid has reached dozens of indigenous people in the community thus far.
Aldeia do Alto Xingu improvisa hospital, contrata médica e tem mortalidade zero por Covid-19
How the indigenous Kuikuro community used tech to contain the Covid-19 pandemic.
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation
Indigenous Kuikuro people carry out plan to combat Covid-19 in their territory.
Indígenas da etnia Kuikuro executam plano de combate à Covid-19 em seu território
TV Globo Mato Grasso
Indigenous tribes complain about lack of medical assistance for Covid-19. The virus has had a major impact on the indigenous villages of Mato Grasso (video link).
Tribos indígenas em MY reclamam de falta de assisténcia médica para Covid-19.
TV Globo Mato Grasso
Indigenous Xingu build a structure to isolate those suspected of having Covid-19 (video link)
Indígenas do Xingu constroem oca pra isolamento de casos suspeitos de Covid-19.
O Globo
As the coronavirus spreads through the Upper Xingu, it causes villages to cancel the Kuarup, a party in honor of the dead.
Coronavírus se alastra pelo Alto Xingu e faz aldeias cancelarem o kuarup, festa em homenagem aos mortos.
Folha de S Paulo
Coronavirus arrives at the Xingu indigenous reserve and the Kuarup is cancelled for the first time. Two village members were infected and thus brought about cultural questions of how to deal with social isolation.
Coronavírus chega à reserva indígena do Xingu, e Kuarup é cancelado pela 1ª vez
Diario de Cuiaba
Coronavirus spreads across the Upper Xingu and causes the first cancellation of the Kaurup. Local indigenous organizations turned to the British organization to secure resources to help isolate villagers during the pandemic.
Coronavírus se alastra pelo Alto Xingu e faz aldeias cancelarem o kuarup, pela primeira vez.
Globo News
Without neonatal ICU, 45-day-old indigenous baby dies in Mato Grasso due to Covid-19 (video link).
Sem UTI neonatal, bebê indígena de 45 dias morre no Mato Grosso por Covid-19.
Globo News
“André Trigueiro”Indigenous people are Brazilian citizens and should be treated as such.” (video link).
André Trigueiro: ‘Índios são brasileiros e devem ser alvos da saúde pública do país’.
Links in English: America’s Quarterly
Indigenous Brazilians must look abroad for support. A leader from the Kuikuro people of Upper Xingu describes how they are fighting the pandemic on their own.
Links in Portuguese: America’s Quarterly
Povos Indígenas do Alto Xingu estão em luto prolongado.
Thiago Jesus
Thiago Jesus is a senior project manager at People’s Palace Projects, an arts organisation based at Queen Mary University of London, working on cross-cultural initiatives between Brazil and the UK. One of his current projects is an ongoing programme of artistic residencies for cultural preservation at the Kuikuro indigenous territory in the Xingu, Amazon region. Since its start, Thiago has produced 3 expeditions to the region, a BBC World Service radio documentary and various exhibitions including an immersive VR experience raising awareness of these populations. Thiago strives to conceive and deliver projects which utilise the arts to alleviate social crises.
Carlos Fausto Articles
"The Measels from the Time of My Grandfather": Amazonian Ethnocide Memories in Times of Covid19 (English)
“O sarampo do tempo de meu avô”: memórias do etnocídio na pandemia (Portuguese)