Capacity building projects
Michael Heckenberger | Principal Investigator, Amazon Hope Collective
[email protected]
Michael Heckenberger Ph.D. (Associate Professor, University of Florida) has worked with indigenous peoples in the Amazon for over 25 years, particularly the Kuikuro of the Xingu Indigenous Territory (TIX) in the southern Brazilian Amazon. His research with the Kuikuro has revealed the remarkable cultural history of Xinguano groups over the past millennium, published in several books and prominent articles in Science, The Royal Society, and elsewhere. His work has also involved collaboration with the Kuikuro people on community-based projects to improve public health, heritage preservation and ecological conservation, most recently, the Kuikuro Cultural Center or "Casa da Cultura" project (2014-present). This center aims to provide a base of operations and a venue to represent indigenous culture and interact with outsiders from broader regional, national and international society.
[email protected]
Michael Heckenberger Ph.D. (Associate Professor, University of Florida) has worked with indigenous peoples in the Amazon for over 25 years, particularly the Kuikuro of the Xingu Indigenous Territory (TIX) in the southern Brazilian Amazon. His research with the Kuikuro has revealed the remarkable cultural history of Xinguano groups over the past millennium, published in several books and prominent articles in Science, The Royal Society, and elsewhere. His work has also involved collaboration with the Kuikuro people on community-based projects to improve public health, heritage preservation and ecological conservation, most recently, the Kuikuro Cultural Center or "Casa da Cultura" project (2014-present). This center aims to provide a base of operations and a venue to represent indigenous culture and interact with outsiders from broader regional, national and international society.
Wetherbee Dorshow | Principal Investigator, Macipucuna Project
[email protected]
Wetherbee Dorshow, PhD. is president and owner of Earth Analytic, Inc. (EAI). Wetherbee also serves as the Executive Director of The GIS Institute, a not-for-profit organization that investigates human adaptations to environmental change with advanced geospatial technology and science. Wetherbee also is an Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Anthropology Dept. at the University of New Mexico. Wetherbee has over 27 years of experience as a professional archaeologist, scientist, GIS analyst and web developer. Wetherbee has earned a Doctor of Philosophy, Anthropology (Archaeology) and an MA, Anthropology (Archaeology) from the University of New Mexico, as well as a BA, Anthropology from the University of Vermont.
[email protected]
Wetherbee Dorshow, PhD. is president and owner of Earth Analytic, Inc. (EAI). Wetherbee also serves as the Executive Director of The GIS Institute, a not-for-profit organization that investigates human adaptations to environmental change with advanced geospatial technology and science. Wetherbee also is an Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Anthropology Dept. at the University of New Mexico. Wetherbee has over 27 years of experience as a professional archaeologist, scientist, GIS analyst and web developer. Wetherbee has earned a Doctor of Philosophy, Anthropology (Archaeology) and an MA, Anthropology (Archaeology) from the University of New Mexico, as well as a BA, Anthropology from the University of Vermont.
Brad Elder | Principal Investigator, Zambia Net Project
[email protected]
Brad Elder, PhD. (Professor of Biology at Doane University, maker of mosquito nets, Zambia). Brad invented and teaches a simple method for turning waste plastic bags into mosquito screens, mosquito bed nets and other important products such as raincoats, school bags, and solar showers. He is a member of the Crete Volunteer Fire and Rescue and has dedicated his life to improving the quality of life for other people.
[email protected]
Brad Elder, PhD. (Professor of Biology at Doane University, maker of mosquito nets, Zambia). Brad invented and teaches a simple method for turning waste plastic bags into mosquito screens, mosquito bed nets and other important products such as raincoats, school bags, and solar showers. He is a member of the Crete Volunteer Fire and Rescue and has dedicated his life to improving the quality of life for other people.